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10 co parenting QUOTES!

10 co parenting quotes

Enjoy reading 10 uplifting co parenting quotes that will brighten your day! 

1. "The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other." -Jane Blaustone

2. "Who cares if another woman or man loves your child, plays with your child, or builds a healthy relationship with your child- either way your child IS benefiting.  Did you read that? 'Your' child is benefiting.  That is whats important."  -Jessica James. 

3. "The best obligation as a parent is to not bring chaos into your children's lives." -Unknown. 

4. "Your children are watching you very, very closely.  Showing your children that you can respect each other and resolve conflict respectfully will give them a good foundation for the conflict that arises in their own lives.  Do your best to remain relaxed and focused, use calm tone of voice and a non concerned facial expression when tension rises." -Unknown 

5. "This is probably one of the most difficult challenges any parent could face-learning to love the other parent enough to make their children first." -Iyanla Vanzant 

6. "A child can not have too many people who love them and want to help them succeed."-Unknown

7. "Moms and Step-moms are on the same team." -Unknown

8. "To that one soul reading this I know you're tired and fed up.  You're so close to breaking but there is strength within you even when you feel weak.  Keep fighting. -Unknown

9. "Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." -unknown

10. "The sign of a great parent is not the behavior of the children, the sign of a truly great parent is the behavior of the parent."  -Andy Smithson. 


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