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Viral Soccer Game Picture of Co Parents being AWESOME!

The internet is going a bit crazy over this viral picture that has swept the hearts of people around the world.  The picture speaks for itself to show how these parents have truly come together to support their daughter and step daughter.

The picture was first shared on Facebook of Emilee's 4-year old step daughter Maelyn during her soccer game which was held in Columbus, Georgia.  The picture includes Maelyn's largest fan base, her parents and step parents.  The parents were kneeling down wearing blue shirts with Maelyn's jersey number 37, along with their titles of Mommy, Daddy, Step Mom and Step Dad.

When Emilee posted the picture she was hoping to share it with her friends and family but in less than one week the picture had over 35,000 reactions and 82,000 shares on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.   As the world sits back and admires the blended family goals, Emilee says this is their "normal life."

The four of them  Carla (Mother) Rick (Father) Carla (Step Mom) Alex (Step Dad) love, support and cheer on their daughter during every soccer game.

Clara, Maelyn's biological mother says she had a close friend make the T-shirts for them to wear to the games because she thought it would "be a fun way to support" their daughter.

Although the picture has gone viral, the parents have mentioned the bond goes far beyond the soccer field.  The co parent's have truly made the best commitment to their daughter to make sure she was put first in order for her to have the best life possible.  Emilee and Ricky have added another addition to the family and says Carla and Alex are just as much apart of her life as they are in Maelyn's.  In fact, she added, Carla was there for her when she went into labor.

The family spends a lot of time together including birthdays for the kids and adults, holidays and family outings, like the park or zoo.

They were asked what advice they wished to share with other co parents, and the mom's said this, " You have to put your differences aside and learn to focus on the children.  Let go of any past feelings you might have and make it work for the sake of the child. Stay strong, because it is work to keep it going ever single day.  Always respect the people involved because how you treat the other parents is a reflection of who you are."


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